Coffee beans are very perishable, with their flavor and freshness being quickly impacted by exposure to the air and light. A key negative impact for home-based baristas like us is that there is a very noticeable reduction in how much crema can be produced within a week of opening a new package of coffee beans. So either you have to use your new beans within a week, or for longer storage, keep them in a way that will extend their freshness.
The key to keeping your coffee beans as fresh as possible for as long as possible is to keep them in a dark air-tight container. I used to keep my coffee beans vacuum-sealed in a "Bean Vac" coffee canister from Sharper Image. It was battery operated and as soon as you closed the lid a vacuum pump would start up and vacuum seal the canister. It was great but eventually the vacuum seal started to fail and the pump would kick into action on a regular basis including the dark of night!
Vacu Vin Coffee Saver |